Axie Infinity - Fa bani jucandu-te zilnic, castiguri pe masura implicarii de pana la $300/luna [Momentan nu mai acceptam inscrieri noi]

5 Mar 2014
Ce nasoala faza asta cu scaderea mmr-ului. Acum am 1000 si mi se pare mai greu decat era la 1700 :(
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Ce nasoala faza asta cu scaderea mmr-ului. Acum am 1000 si mi se pare mai greu decat era la 1700 :(

Eu aveam rank in jur de 1170 , inainte de schimbare , ieri dimineata cind am intrat sa joc aveam 1260 rank , initial am pierdut citeva lupte arena dar pina sa termin toata energia am mai echilibrat ,azi am ajuns dupa 17 lupte arena si 3 adventure la rank de 1170 , si da si mie mi se pare ca este acum mai greu sa invingi in arena , in cele 10 lupte arena cistigate din 17 , numai la o singura lupta am luat 3 slp in rest la celelalte am luat cite 6 slp .

PS. deci pina la urma tot au gasit o chichita sa iti scada rankul din moment ce tu aveai rank de 1700 si te-au retrogradat la rank de 1000 , chestile astea te cam descurajeaza sa fii concentrat pe joc , la mine cred ca a fost un caz fericit ca initial rank -ul dupa schimbare a crescut , cred ca dupa noile reguli cam greu se mai poate ajunge la rank de 1700 cu echipele actuale care le avem .
30 Dec 2010
Ce nasoala faza asta cu scaderea mmr-ului. Acum am 1000 si mi se pare mai greu decat era la 1700 :(

Iar au facut schimbari din mers, inainte nu se intampla asta si resetau rank-ul doar cand incepe sezonul nou. Acum e greu si la rank-ul asta pentru ca ne batem printre altii si cu cei care erau la rank 2500+, pana urca aia in rank tot o sa dam de ei.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Iar au facut schimbari din mers, inainte nu se intampla asta si resetau rank-ul doar cand incepe sezonul nou. Acum e greu si la rank-ul asta pentru ca ne batem printre altii si cu cei care erau la rank 2500+, pana urca aia in rank tot o sa dam de ei.

aici cred ca ai dreptate cu chestia ca acum ne batem cu cei care erau la rank de +2500 , eu azi cind am terminat luptele arena cu energie aveam rank de 1160 , dar ce am zis hai sa mai joc arena chiar daca nu mai am energie sa incerc sa ajung macar pe la 1260 , nu prea sa potrivit socotela de acasa cu cea din tirg , efectiv NU am mai cistigat nici o lupta arena , asa ca acum am rank de 1057, asa ca parerea mea este ca macar citeva zile pina avanseaza cei care au avut rank de +2500 , sa ne limitam sa jucam numai strict cele 20 arena cu enegie , sa nu jucam in plus arena pt a marii rankul ca riscam sa obtinem efectul contrar .

PS. si am mai observat o chestie cam peste 70 % din adversari intilniti aveau echipa TANK +2 AQUA , care sint cam greu de batut
30 Dec 2010
aici cred ca ai dreptate cu chestia ca acum ne batem cu cei care erau la rank de +2500 , eu azi cind am terminat luptele arena cu energie aveam rank de 1160 , dar ce am zis hai sa mai joc arena chiar daca nu mai am energie sa incerc sa ajung macar pe la 1260 , nu prea sa potrivit socotela de acasa cu cea din tirg , efectiv NU am mai cistigat nici o lupta arena , asa ca acum am rank de 1057, asa ca parerea mea este ca macar citeva zile pina avanseaza cei care au avut rank de +2500 , sa ne limitam sa jucam numai strict cele 20 arena cu enegie , sa nu jucam in plus arena pt a marii rankul ca riscam sa obtinem efectul contrar .

PS. si am mai observat o chestie cam peste 70 % din adversari intilniti aveau echipa TANK +2 AQUA , care sint cam greu de batut

Sa iti spun sincer echipele cu Tank + 2Aqua ar trebui sa fie victime sigure pt cei care aveti echipe cu Reptila, ala e avantajul Reptilei ca e f buna contra Aqua. Deci cred ca tot de strategia ta tine acolo, cei drept tu erai printre cei cu cel mai mic ranking inainte de reset din ce vad in tabele. Nu stiu cum sa mai schimb echipa ta, restul cu echipa identica ca a ta erau pe la 1500-1800. Da-mi tu o idee..
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
azi am mai recuperat ce am piedut ieri la rank cind am jucat arena fara energie , de la rank de 1000 , azi dimineata , am ajuns acum la rank de 1177 , jucind cele 20 arena cu energie si azi cistigind in total 132 Slp , echipa care o am acum este OK , ieri mai mult ca sigur pierdeam ca jucam exact cum ai zis tu , impotriva celor care inainte se schimbare aveau rank de +2500 , azi cred ca am scapat de ei .
Ultima editare:
5 Mar 2014
Astazi mi-am mai revenit si eu .. de la 1000 am ajuns la 1300 mmr ...dar totusi nu e placut sa iei doar 6 SLP cand ajunsesem sa iau si 15 :(
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Astazi mi-am mai revenit si eu .. de la 1000 am ajuns la 1300 mmr ...dar totusi nu e placut sa iei doar 6 SLP cand ajunsesem sa iau si 15 :(

si eu de la 1000 am ajuns cam pe la 1260 , dar vb ta e aiurea sa cistigi acum numai 6 slp in loc de 15 , cine stie ce au de gind sa mai faca cind o sa inceapa sezonul urmator , sezonul 19 , pt ca sint ferm convins ca o sa umble iar la rank .

PS .sa postezi in cit timp ajungi iar la rankul avut inainte de schimbare , pt ca logic din moment ce ai aceiasi echipa , de jucat ,joci la fel nu ar fii prea greu sa revii la acelasi rank .
30 Dec 2010
Astazi mi-am mai revenit si eu .. de la 1000 am ajuns la 1300 mmr ...dar totusi nu e placut sa iei doar 6 SLP cand ajunsesem sa iau si 15 :(

De acord cu tine, nu e deloc placut. Inainte se reseta rank-ul doar cand incepea sezonul nou, acum au venit cu o noua abordare:

Cred ca si asta face parte din incercarile lor de a controla balanta dintre SLP creat si SLP consumat.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
cit timp nu se face breding Slp o sa tinda spre zero , la conditile pt breding trebuie sa umble pt a fii mai acesibil , cit timp nu mai intra bani noi in joc din surse externe , slabe sperante de crestere a SLP , practic acum toata lume ce Slp produce il scoate din joc convertindul in alt coin si ulterior CASH , ei cu chestia cu restarea rankului incearca sa mai tempereze acest lucru , daca nu fac ceva in urmatorele luni , cam slabe sperante sa mai fie viabil in urmatorul an .
30 Dec 2010
cit timp nu se face breding Slp o sa tinda spre zero , la conditile pt breding trebuie sa umble pt a fii mai acesibil , cit timp nu mai intra bani noi in joc din surse externe , slabe sperante de crestere a SLP , practic acum toata lume ce Slp produce il scoate din joc convertindul in alt coin si ulterior CASH , ei cu chestia cu restarea rankului incearca sa mai tempereze acest lucru , daca nu fac ceva in urmatorele luni , cam slabe sperante sa mai fie viabil in urmatorul an .

Acolo e problema, se va rezolva dar mai trebuie sa avem rabdare.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Breeding Fee Adjustment & Axie Economics
Axie Infinity
Sep 23
In 24 hours, we will update the Axie breeding fee!
  • The AXS cost per breed has been reduced from 2 AXS to 1 AXS.
  • The SLP costs per breed have been increased to the following:
The cost here is the total cost per breed. IE the 1st breed requires 300 SLP per parent.​
The growth of the Axie Infinity community has been incredible, thanks to each and every one of your contributions. We value your commitment to our community, and we want you to feel a sense of ownership of what we’ve all built together. Some of you have voiced confusion, worry, and even frustration with the current volatility of the economy. We recognize that this volatility makes it hard for our community members to value their efforts consistently. Hopefully by the end of this update, you’ll better understand that our occasional economic adjustments are our attempt to consistently reward skill and effort while balancing community/player growth.
Let’s start with a couple of core Axie economic concepts:
The only way SLP can be created is through gameplay. Each SLP is the result of effort and skill.
The only way Axie can be created is by burning SLP. Each Axie is proof that a human played Axie Infinity for a certain amount of time.
When there are new players to Axie, the only way they can play is if there are more Axies available than there are players. This means that we need to think about the future demand shocks to the Axie market and SLP when balancing the economy.
Ensuring long-term sustainability for the economy will rely on a combination of player growth, new sources of demand for Axies, and external organizations subsidizing play-to-earn by sponsoring leaderboard seasons/tournaments & more.
If you’re interested in diving deeper into our economic model, take a look at these two articles for further context:
Axie Population & Long-term Sustainability
Is Axie Infinity Sustainable?
The Axie economy needs to be balanced by rewarding everyone’s immediate efforts while supporting a long-term plan for community growth. There are some considerations that can be hard for some of our community members to grasp, especially if they’ve only recently started their Axie journey. Many players that are new to Axie have expectations of the in-game economy that are unrealistic and would not be conducive to long-term growth. Thanks in advance for your understanding as we learn together how to balance the economy in both the short and long-term.
Axie’s growth is cyclical which means we need to take into account both current and future demand for Axies when we make economic adjustments. While our veterans have seen these cycles many times before (such as when Axie prices dropped from .1 ETH to .002 ETH in 2019), it can be a bit unnerving for our new players.
Our growth projections for 2022 suggest that we will require tens of millions of Axies for the future on-boarding rush that we expect with the launch of our Ronin Dex and Battles V2. Historically, whenever we’ve launched features that have reduced friction and increased utility for Axies, we’ve seen a surge of breeding to account for the increased demand from Axies, from both new players and veterans alike.
If we don’t have enough SLP to meet this upcoming surge in demand, we will have a situation where the price of SLP surges very high initially to meet demand but then crashes back down as growth normalizes and more SLP is created by players. One could even argue that SLP issuance was too low in the pre-Ronin era, this created a massive surge in SLP price that was short lived and ultimately caused unrealistic expectations around the Axie economy.
All of that said, we don’t want this growth planning to disrupt your current efforts. We’ve been looking at data around the Axie breeding economy for weeks now, and this is what we’ve observed:
Source: Delphi Digital​
  • Growth, while still strong, has been slowing down due to concerns over an imbalance in the amount of SLP minted versus burned per day.
  • Volatility in AXS and SLP price has caused large fluctuations in the breeding fee.
  • AXS as a portion of the breeding fee has inflated which has taken away from SLP’s utility within our economy. AXS is now over 80% of the breeding fee.
Today’s breeding fee changes come as a result of these observations. We know many of you are excited about this change. We are still early in our journey, but we’re learning every day.
While we are currently making these changes manually, long-term we’d like to outsource management of the economy either to intelligent machines or informed members of the Axie community. We hope to ultimately implement an auto-balancing system that will adjust the AXS and SLP portions of the breeding fee to be both stable in dollar/fiat terms and in relation to each other. This is a bit harder technically, but something that we hope to roll out in the future. At least for now, as we experiment with creating a new digital economy, more active management from Sky Mavis may be required.
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* We’d like to give a shout-out to our friends at Delphi Digital for their assistance in thinking through these adjustments.
© 2021 Unsubscribe
111 Sutter Street, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104​
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Se pare ca au inteles ca fara a schimba ceva jocul o sa se duca in cap , logic acum dupa acesta schimbare pretul la SLP sa intre pe un trend ascendent .
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
AXS Staking is Live

AXS Staking is Live!
Axie Infinity
Sep 30
Key Points
  • You can now stake your AXS here! Rewards will be turned on in 24 hours.
  • Check out our detailed staking handbook for guidance.
  • We will upgrade the staking system over time with the goal of creating fundamental ownership of the ecosystem we’ve all created together.
  • We are distributing AXS tokens to our founding community member’s Ronin wallets based on the snapshot taken on October 26th, 2020.
Today, we’re delighted to announce the launch of our AXS staking program! This is an important step towards our long term goal of genuine co-ownership of Axie Infinity with community members that contribute meaningfully to our rapidly growing movement. Staking allows you to lock up your precious AXS to earn AXS rewards. Reward distribution will start tomorrow, this is to ensure that our AXS holders in all time zones have a chance to stake before rewards are turned on.
These initial rewards are taken from a pool set aside to encourage you to lock up your AXS. Over the months and years to come, staking will ultimately enable community members to jointly make decisions on the future direction of Axie, including having a say on the uses of the Community Treasury.
What is AXS?
Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) were introduced in November 2020 to ensure Axie becomes the first game owned by the community that plays and supports it. Today, AXS tokens can be earned by placing on the leaderboard during our PVP Seasons and by winning tournaments. They can also be purchased on various crypto exchanges around the world. As we progress through our journey, there will be many new ways to earn AXS both through gameplay and contributions to the ecosystem. If you don’t own any AXS yet, there’s no need to worry! AXS has been designed to seek out those that deserve and want it the most.
Each AXS token represents a little slice (shard) of the Axie universe. Staking is a way for us to reward our community members for having a long term mindset and locking up their AXS tokens. By staking your AXS you’ll be able to earn AXS rewards when you lock up your tokens through the staking dashboard. In the future, staking AXS will give you voting rights and a say over the use of the Community Treasury which now holds over a billion dollars in tokens.
This launch is an incredible moment for our community and our goal of sharing the value of the ecosystem with our beloved Lunacians.
If you want to learn more about AXS, check out the full Whitepaper!
The Numbers
During the first month of staking we will distribute 2,000,000 AXS. This is 64,516 AXS per day and 2.24 AXS per block (there are ~28,800 blocks in a day).
We are currently working on updating our staking math with Delphi Digital based on new data and findings from across the industry. We will not touch the total supply, but will smoothen and perhaps lengthen the emission schedule.
As a refresher, the max supply of AXS tokens is set at 270 M. There are currently around 58 M AXS tokens circulating, with the rest of the supply to be released over time through staking, gameplay rewards, and ecosystem reward structures. As thousands of new players are now joining our community each week, it becomes important to begin releasing these tokens over time so that everyone in the community has opportunities to hold a piece of the Axie universe.
The Future
This is a minimum viable staking dashboard. Over time, along with our community, we will upgrade it in lines with our principles of co-ownership and co-creation. Governance of decentralized communities is still in a very early stage and we will be taking note of promising experiments that use tokens to empower the users and builders of the future. We believe that the next round of building in crypto will be centered around social coordination and governance tooling. While we have many strong opinions about how to do this effectively, we’ll be watching this unfold for inspiration as we think about how to orchestrate a revolution using token and community design.
A Gift For Our Founding Members
Last year, we announced that at some point in the future, we’d recognize approximately 10,000 of our founding community members with a gift of AXS tokens. Today, we will distribute 800,000 AXS to these missionaries that helped form the bedrock of our digital nation. This is over 50,000,000 USD worth of tokens and represents our commitment to making sure that Axie becomes a community-owned game.
The snapshot was taken at this Ethereum block:
The snapshot took into account Axies and land owned, marketplace activity, and battles won through our application. When we took the snapshot we were quite busy and gearing up for the launch of the AXS token. The snapshot gave us the data necessary to come back to the gift at a later date. We did some initial modeling and projections of hypothetical drops at that time and decided to revisit the math when we had more time to digest. In retrospect and in full transparency it would have been best to lock in a certain amount and communicate it to the community at the time. We did not do this but this also meant that we had flexibility to adjust the math to reward true believers more as we gave the gift greater thought over time. That said, in reflecting back to that time, we couldn’t have imagined that we would be able to reward our founding community members in such a meaningful way.
We will send your gift to the Ronin address attached to your old Axie Ethereum address. If there is no attached address, we will send it to your Ethereum address on Ronin. You can simply import the address into your Ronin wallet and you will find your gift
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30 Dec 2010
Am trimis platile in SLP azi, maine urmeaza restul. In caz ca e cineva care vrea SLP si l-am omis, da-ti un mesaj in privat sa verific.
5 Mar 2014
Eu mai astept ...

Daca nu era faza cu resetatul rank-ului cred ca eram in jurul celor 6000 de SLP intr-o luna,asa am facut decat vreo 5600 . Cred ca ar trebui sa imi dai o parte din bonus ;))
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