
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017

Mai sint 3 zile pina la concurs , inca mai este timp sa cumparati CONTRACTE BTC si LTC pentru a intra in concursul respectiv , grabitiva ceasul ticaie .

PS . apropo plata BTC CU NR. 25

Hash: SHA256

Hello cornel64,

A deposit of 0.01703500 BTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. The deposit was received on 39WH8GcjWnphW38xNwfULEioYZuvydqmYd with transaction ID 82ab43643fc20c9b88f429f0cc4bb020cb737cd4ce704754b1799887049037eb.

Thank you for using


PS. cu ce produc pina la 31 .07 inclusiv am sa imi mai cumpar un CONTRACT BITCOIN 2025
6 Iul 2019
Vezi atașament 13953

Mai sint 3 zile pina la concurs , inca mai este timp sa cumparati CONTRACTE BTC si LTC pentru a intra in concursul respectiv , grabitiva ceasul ticaie .

PS . apropo plata BTC CU NR. 25

Hash: SHA256

Hello cornel64,

A deposit of 0.01703500 BTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. The deposit was received on 39WH8GcjWnphW38xNwfULEioYZuvydqmYd with transaction ID 82ab43643fc20c9b88f429f0cc4bb020cb737cd4ce704754b1799887049037eb.

Thank you for using

Vezi atașament 13954

PS. cu ce produc pina la 31 .07 inclusiv am sa imi mai cumpar un CONTRACT BITCOIN 2025

Salut, de 3 săptămâni m-am înscris și eu cu linkul tău de ref. Ce putere de minare ai pentru BTC? Am reușit sa cumpăr doi mineri antminer s9 se, ceva BTC 2025 și 4800 Mh/s LTC. Pana in prezent contractele LTC nu sunt rentabile. Cum vezi in viitorul apropiat acest site, se merita sa mai investești sau sa aștepți sa îți recuperezi investiția și apoi sa continui? Te intreb fiindcă devine foarte captivant și ar trebui sa știi când sa tragi linie.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
eu acum la LTC contracte am 4875 MH/s si BTC in total 175 TH/s o parte minerii o parte contracte , dar in august imi expira 65 th /s contracte 180 zile , pt ca in ianuarie existau si fractii de contract anual ,90 , 120 ,180 zile etc si am luat si asa ceva , asa ca luna acesta am cumparat inca un miner s9 se care o sa inceapa minarea pe 19.08 , si mai departe o sa iau in continuare contracte BTC 2025 , si pina in octombrie cind sint disponibile AVALON 1041 din care o sa imi iau o bucata , si intre timp cred ca o sa instaleze si o sa aiba la vinzare AVALON 911 , miner pe care in aprilie nu am apucat sa cumpar pt sau vind in citeva zile de la aparitia pe site , CRYPTOUNIVERSE.IO este practic divizia CLOUD MINING a CRYPTOUNIVERSE GROUP , care mai cuprinde divizile HOTEL MINING - HOSTING , VINZARII MINER ASIC si sint oficialii distribuitori ai ASICURILOR produse de CANAAN respectiv MINERI AVALON , am postat mai sus pe forum chestia respectiva .

EU am o regula pe care incerc sa o respect cit mai bine , nu pun toate ouale in acelas cos , adica imi diversific investitile din CRYPTO si pe alte site-uri de profil , dupa ce ajung sa imi recuperez investitia initiala de pe fiecare site in parte , ce BTC produc il impart asa 40%, pastrati in diverse monede CRYPTO , 30% reinvestiti si 30 % retrasi in FIAT pe CARD .


Official Partners – Canaan

CryptoUniverse Group

Cryptouniverse - Майнинг отель

intra pe linkurile respectiv si o sa afli mai multe amanunte despre CryptoUniverse Group
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
din ce este aici sper ca o parte sa ajung si sa fie instalate pe CRYPTOUNIVERSE CLOUD MINING nu numai la vinzare directa in magazinul lor .

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
CryptoUniverse Group



cind intri pe CryptoUniverse Group intra pe fiecare sectiune in parte asa iti faci o idee mai buna despre CRYPTOUNIVERSE GROUP
6 Iul 2019
eu acum la LTC contracte am 4875 MH/s si BTC in total 175 TH/s o parte minerii o parte contracte , dar in august imi expira 65 th /s contracte 180 zile , pt ca in ianuarie existau si fractii de contract anual ,90 , 120 ,180 zile etc si am luat si asa ceva , asa ca luna acesta am cumparat inca un miner s9 se care o sa inceapa minarea pe 19.08 , si mai departe o sa iau in continuare contracte BTC 2025 , si pina in octombrie cind sint disponibile AVALON 1041 din care o sa imi iau o bucata , si intre timp cred ca o sa instaleze si o sa aiba la vinzare AVALON 911 , miner pe care in aprilie nu am apucat sa cumpar pt sau vind in citeva zile de la aparitia pe site , CRYPTOUNIVERSE.IO este practic divizia CLOUD MINING a CRYPTOUNIVERSE GROUP , care mai cuprinde divizile HOTEL MINING - HOSTING , VINZARII MINER ASIC si sint oficialii distribuitori ai ASICURILOR produse de CANAAN respectiv MINERI AVALON , am postat mai sus pe forum chestia respectiva .

EU am o regula pe care incerc sa o respect cit mai bine , nu pun toate ouale in acelas cos , adica imi diversific investitile din CRYPTO si pe alte site-uri de profil , dupa ce ajung sa imi recuperez investitia initiala de pe fiecare site in parte , ce BTC produc il impart asa 40%, pastrati in diverse monede CRYPTO , 30% reinvestiti si 30 % retrasi in FIAT pe CARD .


Official Partners – Canaan

CryptoUniverse Group

Cryptouniverse - Майнинг отель

intra pe linkurile respectiv si o sa afli mai multe amanunte despre CryptoUniverse Group

Interesant cum te-ai gândit la investițiile in crypto, as vrea sa folosesc modelul tău, alte site-uri de profil cu investiție crypto care ar fi o alternativa viabila?
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
PS. LTC are HALVING pe 5 august asa ca recomandare mea este sa nu vinzi sau sa schimbi acum cind este pretul destul de scazut , eu de aceia am cumparat 4785MH/s contracte LTC 2025 tocmai ca mizez pe termen lung la o crestere substantial a LTC

intra aici click pe PREDICTION si iti faci o idee despre ce se poate intimpla in viitor cu diverse monede CRYPTO , corelari de preturi etc .
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Interesant cum te-ai gândit la investițiile in crypto, as vrea sa folosesc modelul tău, alte site-uri de profil cu investiție crypto care ar fi o alternativa viabila?

PINA pe 15 august am sa mai investesc 1000 euro si in alt site de profil , am sa fac atunci o prezentare aici pe forum , ca nu are rost sa postez acum cind inca nu am investit in site-ul respectiv .
6 Iul 2019
PINA pe 15 august am sa mai investesc 1000 euro si in alt site de profil , am sa fac atunci o prezentare aici pe forum , ca nu are rost sa postez acum cind inca nu am investit in site-ul respectiv .

Eu am pierdut ceva bani cu innovamine, nu am apucat sa recuperez nimic (cu o seara înainte am investit in 35 th/s), vroiam sa știu de alternative bune, comparabil cu cryptouniverse ca pret și seriozitate.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Eu am pierdut ceva bani cu innovamine, nu am apucat sa recuperez nimic (cu o seara înainte am investit in 35 th/s), vroiam sa știu de alternative bune, comparabil cu cryptouniverse ca pret și seriozitate.

innovamine platea prea bine ca sa fie REAL FARM MINING , si eu am postat acum citeva luni despre un site asemanator si dupa 2 zile de documentare despre site-ul respectiv am cerut sa fie stersa prezentare respectiva .
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
How to Enter the Cloud Mining Market and Not Lose
4 days ago | Nikita Gribkov
How to Enter the Cloud Mining Market and Not Lose

The crypto mining sector has seen several drastic changes in the last few years. When the crypto market itself exploded in 2017, there was a major flow of new miners from all over the world. As people started learning about cryptocurrencies, how they work, and how to obtain them — more and more coin holders chose to go right to the source and obtain digital currencies by becoming miners.
Then, 2018 came along, and with it — the harshest and longest crypto winter in the cryptocurrency history. It lasted for over a year, and as it progressed, the prices were dropping so low that a large portion of the mining sector simply gave up and left. This is not surprising, as mining cryptocurrencies requires expensive equipment, a lot of resources, such as electricity and computing power — all of which leads to high costs.
With reasonable crypto prices, these costs can be covered. If the prices are down, mining loses its profitability, and miners are left with expensive bills and not enough money to cover them. This is one of the reasons why cloud mining became popular.
What is cloud mining?
Cloud mining is the process of mining cryptocurrencies by utilizing remote data centers with shared processing power. It is simple, not that expensive, and very useful for those who are less tech-savvy, but still interested in participating in the mining sector.
Simply put, you don't have to run your own software or hardware. You also get to mine by using cheaper electricity, so the bills don't get to be so high either. They are certainly nowhere near as high as when you mine by yourself, in a traditional way.
How does cloud mining work and what to watch out for?
The process is really simple, and all you need to do is find a cloud mining service, pay an upfront cost — in crypto or fiat, depending on the service — and they will take care of everything else. Meanwhile, you can simply wait and watch as your wallet receives mined coins, and your profits grow.
Of course, you need to be careful here as well, as some mining firms might charge additional fees throughout your contract with them. These fees come on top of the initial payment. But, there are also companies that will only ever require that initial payment, and once you make it — that's it.

There are other dangers, such as the cloud mining companies not being true to their word, or having a weak business plan which eventually might lead to them shutting down. To avoid these and similar problems, you should always try to choose a reputable firm that knows what it is doing.
Which service to choose?
If you are approaching cloud mining, your aim is to make money, not lose it on a bad investment, so picking the right firm is crucial. There are many out there that are more than decent and will help you get into the mining business, gain a better understanding of blockchain technology, and generally educate yourself on cryptocurrencies.
We at CryptoUniverse take special care to make things really simple for our clients. You can mine Bitcoin and Litecoin on our platform, and for some quite low prices, too. All you need to start is $55, and you can purchase our most cost-efficient contract.
The price range differs in regards to the size of the contract, but you don't have to spend a fortune to start off, and starting small is the best way to slowly get familiar with the mining industry.
Final thoughts
Joining the crypto mining business in 2019 is definitely a good idea, as the surging prices allowed miners who kept their coins to make a fortune. Many who left the sector were rapidly returning, and they still are. At the same time, many new miners started joining the sector as well.
These days, mining the largest coins ends up being the most profitable thing to do. But you simply can't do it yourself, as the competition is too big, and the process and equipment are too costly. Cloud mining comes as the best solution, as it represents an easy way to participate in crypto mining, and still make decent profits.


Nikita Gribkov
Nikita Gribkov is the Vice-President of CryptoUniverse, the most cost-efficient cloud mining platform out there
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
The Nature Of Cloud Mining. How Does Cloud Mining Operate?
July 24, 2019

The Nature Of Cloud Mining. How Does Cloud Mining Operate?

Cloud mining is the form of obtaining digital currency by buying or renting the mining capacity of machinery in a distant, isolated data center. It is usually more convenient for the user as opposed to traditional mining, as there is no physical involvement required. It allows users to get coins without dealing with any offline challenges.
Potential coin production of cloud mining can be affected by 5 factors. Three of them are fixed and dependent on the facility.
They include:
  • Facility hashrate;
  • Power consumption;
  • Electricity cost per KW/h.
The two others are market factors which consist of:
  • Coin price;
  • Network hashrate.
Unfortunately, the last factor is unpredictable and brings a certain share of risk into cloud mining. But hey, scared money makes no money!

Coin price is the primary variable responsible for coin production output. If it increases, the coin attracts more miners, and more miners cause an increase in network hashrate and hence mining difficulty. This potentially brings lower mining outputs, but the margin of price increase usually compensates for that.
If the coin price goes down, the incentive for mining also slows down. Some miners may experience losses, i.e., when the miner consumes more energy than it actually earns. In such a case, a good incentive to turn off the miner, to fix losses, in turn, leads to a drop in network hashrate and decrease in mining difficulty. The coin production increases in this case, but that does not mean higher returns, as the coin price decreases correspondingly. This scenario benefits long-term players in case the coin price eventually rises.
The correct counterparty
The cryptocurrency market is on the rise. Bitcoin has more than tripled in value in 2019, moving from under $4,000 at the start of the year to a little under $14,000 in June. In the earlier part of 2019, however, altcoins seemed to be performing strongly, with many calling the trend “altseason.” The market still has a lot of room for expansion, so it is important to choose the correct counterparty to cooperate with.
-”The mining market is always evolving. We fully support the technology itself and its goals.
On the whole, we recognized a tendency to switch from house mining to cloud mining as the network difficulty grows. There was little competition on the market and we decided that our knowledge and experience of successful development of large businesses would help to bring this technology to the masses with all the consequences.
Therefore, we began to create a company that provides all kinds of services in this area. Now CryptoUniverse is a multifunctional service for cloud mining with contracts starting at just $50” –
says Nikita Gribkov, Vice-President of the company. practices flexibility to ensure that the client earns independently from the market situation; that’s why the price of the contract changes continually in relation to market factors.
Cryptouniverse is able to offer the best possible deals because of their full control of facility-related factors. Currently, they own a 20 MW facility in Kirishi, Leningrad region with more than 12,000 ASIC miners and are working on launching another site with 67,000 miners together with technical partners in Irkutsk region. The company benefits from the lowest electricity price in the country, because of the lucrative long-term contract for the supply of electricity with the region government and close location to a powerhouse.
Cloud mining with CryptoUniverse
The main ideology of the project is to allow people to quickly and clearly obtain, receive, and own cryptocurrency. The company strives to make mining as easy as it can be for the customer. All that is required is to register on the website, make a deposit, choose the desired contract and the amount of TH/s. CryptoUniverse offers a wide range of BTC and LTC cloud mining contracts with options available for every budget.
  • Standard rates, with a different starting minimum, depending on the hashrate, or with a fixed hashrate amount. The contract’s length affects the price in direct ratio, but the service fee is lower.
  • “VIP” rates. This is a modification of the standard fares – but with a lower price and service charge, for profitability maximization.
  • Tariff “2025”. This contract is valid up to January 1st, 2025. It is recommended for professionals in the field of long-term investment. The main feature is that it can be put up for sale using the “Hash Rate Auction” option, which is not available for other types of tariffs.
Most recently, the company updated its cloud mining contracts and added 2 new with the option of prepaid service charges. New contracts allow to receive 100% of mined funds without any additional payments and provide better control of the mining process.
Cryptouniverse also offers an opportunity to purchase mining equipment. The acquisition of a physical unit of equipment lets the buyer return the funds partly by reselling the miner after the hosting contract expires. With the growing cryptocurrency rate, the market price for professional mining equipment tends to rise. If we take for instance Bitmain Antminer s17, its price used to fluctuate around $2000 when it first came out, but now they are selling at as high as $4000 at the official online store. Hence the customer will be able to make additional profit on top of the profit made on mining itself.
Moreover, there is cashback available on different options at different times. Be sure to check the website regularly to be aware of the most attractive offers
7 Iul 2011
site-ul are mineri reali ? sau totul e fals , au aparut multe site-uri de cloud mining si cam majoritatea au fost tepe
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
site-ul are mineri reali ? sau totul e fals , au aparut multe site-uri de cloud mining si cam majoritatea au fost tepe

MINERII ii cumperii in functie de cit te tine punga , mineri cumparati sint in HOSTING in locatia unde are ferma de minare , respectiv localitatea KIRISHI ,regiunea SANKT PETERSBURG , RUSSIA , vezi video de mai sus , la CONTRACTE iti vind putere de minare ,respectiv TH/S din MINERII deja instalatii in FERMA DE MINARE , in aceasta vara o sa mai deschida o alta ferma de minare cu capacitate de de 3 ori mai mare decit cea actuala respectiv aproximativa 67 000 MINERI fata de cei 12 000 MINERI care sint deja in ferma actuala .

Transparent Cloud Mining Provider is a multifunctional cloud mining service for BTC and LTC, launched on February 14, 2018. The headquarters of CryptoUniverse is located in Tallinn, Estonia, so all processes are managed in accordance with all legal and financial standards of the European Union. An additional office is located in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. In Russia, there are two data centers (Leningrad and Irkutsk regions) together with technical partners and 7 representative offices in major cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk. The company is heavily represented in Siberian regions, due to the suitable climate and affordable electricity rates.


The Facilities

The main advantage of the data centers is their cheap electricity access. CryptoUniverse always aims to obtain the best possible rates for kW/h in their operating regions. Its 20 MW facility in Kirishi, Leningrad region, Russia with more than 12,000 ASIC miners is located in close proximity to a powerhouse. That allows the company to base their contracts on the lowest electricity price in the country because of the very lucrative long-term contract for the supply of the necessary electricity with the Leningrad region government. The company owns the land under the building and the building itself. Hence any rental issues are irrelevant. The facility was constructed in accordance with the highest standards of industrial safety, to protect themselves from any force majors.


CryptoUniverse data center in Kirishi, Russia. Photo illustrates one of three floors.

The company is planning on undertaking the Siberian region. There is another one facility under construction which will be using all the advantages of climate and legislation of that region. It is planned to be launched in the middle of July 2019 and is capable of accommodating 67,000 miners. Due to a close location to several water-power plants, the facility will benefit from one of the lowest electricity tariffs in the world


Official Partners – Canaan

CryptoUniverse Group

Cryptouniverse - Майнинг отель


CITESTE ce am postat din nou aici si cred ca o sa te lamuresti ce si cum si intra si pe linkurile de mai sus , CRIPTOUNIVERSE.IO este practic o divizia a CRYPTOUNIVERSE GROUP .