
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Best Hardware For Bitcoin and Litecoin Mining: Shares Its Experience


Bitcoin mining has become one of the most profitable ventures of the past nine years, where single individuals started their tech journey, mining at home, slowly moving mining powers to facilities and data centers. Everything started with GPU mining, and ended with highly efficient ASICs, that nowadays are hard to get, deploy, and maintain. These details are especially important when it comes to choosing the right hardware for mining.
Hardware Basics
Many inexperienced readers may ask what bitcoin miners are? Basically, individuals and companies mine cryptocurrencies using so-called ASICs(application-specific integrated circuit), that are manufactured to mine specific cryptocurrencies based on different cryptographic algorithms, such as SHA26, Scrypt, and others. This hardware dramatically outperforms “old school” CPUs and GPUs mining, because it contains dozens of specialized chips, that can be narrowly used only for specific cryptocurrency mining.
When it comes to deploying your own mining farm, it’s crucial to pay attention to small details, besides the profitability. In the long run, it’s essential to maintain equipment, understand what manufacturers provide durable hardware that can last for long, what models are prone to overheating, how it is engineered and assembled in the factories.
Being on the market for more than 2 years, Cryptouniverse has used a wide range of mining hardware from different manufacturers such as Bitmain, Canaan, Innosilicon, Ebang, and others. The company has disclosed interesting facts regarding hardware from the first two manufacturers, that can be considered as the most widespread on the market.
Nikita Gribkov, the VP of Cryptouniverse:
“ Choosing the right hardware from the beginning is the number one priority when it comes to data center deployment. It should work for years with minimum maintenance, providing high stability, and sufficient hashing power. ”

CryptoUniverse data center in Kirishi town, near Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Positive And Negative Aspects of Antminers(Bitmain) and Avalonminers(Canaan)
Considering the hardware for Bitcoin mining and Litecoin mining, both companies offer competitive solutions on the market. But, the problem lies not even in performance or electricity usage, but in general characteristics, that differ between these two manufacturers.
From an engineering standpoint, Antminers’ components leave much to be desired, which results in lower repairability, and if there’s a need to change some elements, only original parts can be used. Very often such miners as S9 to S11 overheat, due to poor cooling system design, which results in lower performance and requires a relatively cold environment with efficient ventilation. On top of that, these miners have hot spots, which may lead to accidental ignition of wiring.
It’s different for Avalonminers, that come with well-designed cooling systems, high-quality components that can be changed with custom parts. Overheating occurs rarely, but the significant disadvantage lies in its deployment, which requires additional components such as proprietary microcontrollers or Raspberry Pi microcomputers, and power supplies that have to be ordered separately. But, the Antminers come with a power supply and controller at a lower price than Avalonminers, which makes it more attractive for individuals.
Antminers durability doesn’t last for long, and often they get defective, and If there’s a need to make reparations, the outcome is unpredictable due to low-quality components. Avalon miners rarely come problematic and can be easily repaired, and If a person decides to start this business at home, there will be significant problems if something gets broken, because, without the electrical engineering skills, the hardware can become dysfunctional. Moreover, when ordering new parts from China, it takes around a month for them to arrive.
Mining at home represents huge risks associated with wiring ignition, which is caused by an electricity network that simply can’t hold such a voltage. Hardware can work unstably because the electricity network may get overloaded. In the end, everyone can conclude that delegating the hardware deployment and maintenance to a company, or simply joining a cloud mining, is a much better and profitable decision, where the company bears all risks and takes care of all issues.
The Solution To Individual Mining
According to the mining profitability chart, it can be concluded that individual miners suffer from such competition on the market, and only big companies can afford to buy thousands of ASICS, deploying profitable mining operations.
Nikita Gribkov, the VP of Cryptouniverse:
“ It gets more expensive every single year to deploy mining farms for individuals, and profitability leaves much to be desired. Buying used hardware can lead to even higher losses because of low durability due to extended usage. And organizing a profitable business requires cheap electricity that only companies can afford.”
Specifically for this, Cryptouniverse has created a large data center in Kirishi town, near Saint-Petersburg, which allows deploying your mining hardware at relatively low costs. The company conducts maintenance if some units get broken with the help of highly skilled electrical engineers that were certified in China. Furthermore, it has direct connections with big suppliers that allow buying and testing miners before they get deployed, ensuring the quality service delivery in time.
Everyone interested can register on their official website and choose the hardware they want to deploy. Most of the miners come almost at market prices, for example, Avalonminer 1041 comes at $1,331, Antminer S9 SE is at $559, T3-50T is at $2,200, and many other models that can offer good returns on investment.
What’s important to mention, is the final hardware price, which includes the import tax, VAT and delivery costs, that usually have to be covered by the buyer when ordering internationally, making the purchase attractive for everyone. And direct partnerships with biggest manufacturers allow Cryptouniverse to provide new hardware for its customers within a month or two after release.
Cryptouniverse is expanding its operations to the Siberian region, where another facility is building at the moment, which will be opened in the middle of July 2019. The advantage of cold climate, mining-friendly legislation, and close location to several hydropower plants will allow the company to have one of the lowest prices on electricity in the world.
The size of the facility will allow accommodating 67,000 miners, and modern infrastructure will ensure high reliability of the mining operations. Cryptouniverse should become one of the most influential companies across the world, which offers good hardware, competitive prices and really cares about its customers’ business
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
NOUA FERMA DE MINARE capacitate totala 50 000 MINERII si putere de 80 mW care este deja la faza instalarii echipamentelor de minare

CryptoUniverse group in cooperation with Rusal, began the development of a new location in the North-West of Russia. Has been signed an agreement on the long-term placement of equipment. At the moment the cable networks being installed. The planned capacity is 10 mW. In the future, the total capacity will be increased to 80 mW, which will accommodate more than 50 thousand units of equipment. CryptoUniverse plans to buy the land and premises of the new data center into the ownership of the company, which will improve the reliability and quality of the services provided.



Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Probabil ca da, dar trebuie o suma mare de gen 1000 dolari

nu iti trebuie neaparat 1000 $ pentru a incepe o investitie aici


aceasta este investitia mea initial cu BTC efectiv din walet , bine inteles o parte din ce aveam , BTC produs de pe alt site gen CLOUD MINING , am inceput in 26 august 2018 cu investitia initiala de 100 $ , pina in decembrie 2018 nu am mai investit ca am vrut sa observ ce se intimpal cu acest site , intre timp produceam BTC pe alt site , apoi in decembrie cind am retras LTC produs si a rewiew de pe net despre acest REAL FARM MINING , am decis sa ma investesc in CONTRACTE BTC de aceasta data , am inceput usor , usor cu CONTACTE PROMO 40 TH/S , apoi cu ce am produs din cele 2 contracte si cu BTC din WALET am cumparat cele 2 CONTRACTE 15 TH/S PRO -360 day apoi cele 2 CONTRACTE 180 DAY , de 42 TH/s si 23.1 TH/s , ca asa erau atunci , vezi postari din luna februarie , martie 2019 , SUMA INITIALA INVESTITA PINA AM INCEPUT SA RETRAG A FOST CAM 550 $ , diferenta pina la aproximativ 920 $ este din ce am produs pe acest REALMINING FARM.

PS . de atunci am cumparat CONTRACTE si MINERI NUMAI DIN BALANCE .
8 Mai 2017
Probabil ca da, dar trebuie o suma mare de gen 1000 dolari
Cu putin peste 1000 $ am inceput si eu cu ajutorul lui Cornel iar acum produc peste 350$ lunar la cursul de astazi iar contractele si minerii cumparati sunt pe durata de 5 ani deci DA se merita investit aici. Una dintre cele mai bune ferme de minare la ora asta si ma refer REALA nu cloud shit-uri ce devin scam in cateva luni.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Plata saptaminala BTC NR 26 , mai putin ca am mai si reinvestit din BALANCE

Hello cornel64,

A deposit of 0.01698300 BTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. The deposit was received on 39WH8GcjWnphW38xNwfULEioYZuvydqmYd with transaction ID 6b072386f63f7951f502c92c0a15d3d65ab19b003f4b9c2ca4e1af1ddf79f1cd.

Thank you for using

6 Iul 2019
Plata saptaminala BTC NR 26 , mai putin ca am mai si reinvestit din BALANCE

Hello cornel64,

A deposit of 0.01698300 BTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. The deposit was received on 39WH8GcjWnphW38xNwfULEioYZuvydqmYd with transaction ID 6b072386f63f7951f502c92c0a15d3d65ab19b003f4b9c2ca4e1af1ddf79f1cd.

Thank you for using

Vezi atașament 14041

Dar cu contractele LTC ce facem? Am băgat 700 de euro, am câștigat 60 de euro intr-o luna iar acum sunt pe minus!!! (Contractul este cu “-“). Cred ca era mai bine sa investesc direct in BTC, de 700 euro cumpărăm LTC ii tineam in wallet 3 luni și aveam profit garantat....
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
contracte LTC si eu l-am trecut pe FREEZE , eu am 5085 MH/S CONTRACTE 2025 LTC , pina creste pretul la LTC macar la 130 $ o sa fie pe minus
, TREBUIA sa cumperii din ambele CONTRACTE si BTC si LTC , imparteai suma investita , de aceia tot am zis cin vreti sa investitii sa luati legatura cu mine ca sa nu faceti aceleasi greseli pe care l-am facut si eu cind am inceput sa investesc mai masiv aici , ex. am luat in ianuarie CONTRACTE 180 DAY de 65TH/s care imi expira acum in august , deci vreau nu vreau ca sa imi mentin aceiasi putere de minare trebuie sa mai cumpar TH/S ori MINERII ori CONTRACTE BITCOIN 2025 , asta lasind la o parte cresterea dificultati de minare , cu cit intra mai multi MINERII pe piata cu atit creste dificultate de minare .

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
referitor la LTC , daca trece de targetul de 106 $ incepe sa urce si CONTRACTELE LTC o sa fie din nou rentabile ,

Litecoin: Litecoin at the time of writing trades at $96.41. 17th July Litecoin made a cycle low at $71 and then completed a higher low at $83.13 on the 28th July. Litecoin then bounced 20.23% since the 28th of July. A break above $106 would confirm higher price moves and first target above $140 and with expected price spikes to come, Litecoin could reach $200+ to even $300 in August. Litecoin is still expected to OUTPERFORM Bitcoin with huge spikes.
6 Iul 2019
Am și contracte BTC 2025, acum in august pornesc încă 2 mineri. Cred ca LTC nu mai este profitabil după halving, reducându-se la jumatate cantitatea ar trebui sa fie și prețul dublu ca valoare ca sa câștigi cel puțin cât era in trecut, nu știu dacă m-am făcut înțeles.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
asa afost si HALVINGUL trecut laLTC a scazut imediat apoi in mai putin de o luna a inceput sa creasca si a ajuns pina la 357 $ , pe 19.08 o sa inceapa sa mineze si s9SE care i-ai luat , am cumparat si eu 1 buc .
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
LTC daca ajunge pe la 130-140 $ o sa fie din nou profitabil , PUTERE DE MINARE GENERALA A SCAZUT LA LTC CU NUMAI 3 % DUPA ACEST HALVING , o veste buna , acum trebuie macar o saptamina sa se stabilizeze piata la LTC , eu zic ca pina in 15 .08 o sa inceapa sa creasca
Ultima editare:
6 Iul 2019
Ești optimist, asta este bine, sa speram ca așa o sa fie cu LTC. Aștept noua ta investiție de pe 15 August
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Ești optimist, asta este bine, sa speram ca așa o sa fie cu LTC. Aștept noua ta investiție de pe 15 August

eu am 1000$ in CONTRACTE LTC , dar adevarat asa am inceput anul trecut pe 25 august cu contracte LTC ca cele BTC erau cam scumpe atunci , si bani investiti i-am recuperat , am numai CONTRACTE LTC numai 2025 , asa ca nu timpul este problema .

Eu am acestst PLAN , ce produc in o saptamina REINVESTESC din BALANCE , in CONTRACTE BITCOIN 2025 , si restul de ce produc in celelalte 3 saptaminii , 50% in CRYPTO - 50 % retrasi pe CARD si macar la 3-4 luni inca un MINER , astept sa bage mineri de aici , AVALON 911 , sa cumpar .


PS. recomandat sa va faceti un PLAN , pe care sa incercati sa il respectati cit mai STRICT .
Ultima editare:
6 Iul 2019

Nu contest faptul ca nu o sa fie așa dar in momentul asta pentru Altcoins este mai bine sa le cumperi la un pret mic și sa le ții in wallet ca ulterior sa le valorifici.

Criptouniverse este un site bun pentru Cloud Mining in condițiile prezente, dar ce o sa se întâmple când o sa fie prețul Bitcoin 20.000 sau mai mult? nu cumva o sa se schimbe viziunea lor și vor vrea sa mineze numai pentru ei? Cu banii strânși de pe contracte cred ca și-au asigurat prețul energiei electrice pentru mulți ani.

Întreba cineva mai sus dacă se merita sa bage bani așa de târziu? Răspunsul este sa nu investești mai mult decât îți poți permite sa pierzi, dacă nu te simți confortabil sa investești 100, 1000, 2000....mai bine îți cauți altceva de făcut.

P.S: am vrut sa experimentez ce inseamana sa fii miner “adevărat” de Bitcoin și pentru 2 zile am închiriat 5 bucăți de 16 th/s (antminer s9) pe care i-am conectat la un pool :). In concluzie am monede minate de mine...:))
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017





MINERI cumparatii sint ai tai , la CRYPTOUNIVERSE ai CONTRACT HOSTING pina la data de 1.01.2025 poti oricind sa ii cerii sa tii trimita la tine acasa , bineinteles cu costurile corespunzatoare , CONTRACTELE sint practic FRACTII din putere de minarea a MINERILOR DEJA INSTALATII DE EI , dupa cum observi nu mai au MINERII PE STOC cu minare imediata , cei cu anumite termene de instalare deorece atunci le vin de la producatorii , BITMAIN ,CANAAN etc .Screenshot_13.png


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