- (Platforma de Exchange + Token cu Dividende)

23 Mai 2011
1.375 a dat drumul la inregistrari.
In ICO-ul ce s-a terminat in ianuarie 2018 au strans $31,169,749 de la 15,073 de participanti.
Firma e bazata in Elvetia.

Paritatile pentru trade sunt BTC, ETH, TIOx si USDT.
Ofera si Forex si CFD pentru peste 120 de assets precum metale pretioase, petrol etc.

Limita retragere 24h: 2 BTC
Verificarea KYC este optionala.

Taxe trade:
Maker 0%
Taker 0.1%

Platforma are si un element aparte, Liquidity Pool, ce imparte 50% din veniturile obtinute de cu detinatorii propriului token, Trade Token X - TIOx (minim 2500 TIOx necesari + verificare KYC).

Ultima editare:
Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015
Despre tio va ziceam si eu de cand era in ICO: Detalii aici:

Si aici va ziceam:
LE: ultima sansa sa mai prindeti TIO ieftin.

De asta s-a si dublat pretul de cand am scris eu Pentru ca s-a lansat acest beta.

Multi si-au pierdut rabdarea cu tio ptr ca au taraganat foarte mult. Au vandut in ultima perioada insa acum vor regreta.
Eu nu folosesc platforma ce ai prezentat-o tu. Le tin in exchange. oricum e greu ptr noi sa facem trade cu ce vor ei. Noi le avem cu crypto. Ei sunt mai complexi.

Asta am scris in
14 Noiembrie 2017 ·
A new Ico come in the crypto world, named! will be a multi-asset trading platform for not only crypto assets but also Forex( whit 5.3 trillion transaction per day) and CFDs over precious metals, oils, commodities, indexes and global equities and any number of potential assets. Coupling this with the shared liquidity pool, where participants share 50/50 in the potential profits is unique to the industry.

In July we get Swiss banking license and launch Investment Bank and in December 2018 trade .io will accommodate ICO and IPO (what its Ico for crypto, IPO it's for the company). have two early adopters one of them its FXPrimus, a platform whit 500.000 users and 400 millions $ in deposit and second one its Primus Capital UK focuses on attracting large traders who particularly value and require the security and benefit that comes with the strict oversight of FCA regulation.If u like passive income join!
23 Mai 2011
In curand o sa aiba loc airdrop-uri ale ICO-urilor partenere pentru detinatorii de TIO (minim 2500 TIO):
Sign Up for Our Massive Airdrop
Don't miss out on your chance to win a share of up to 100 million tokens*

We are pleased to announce that we will soon be launching a massive Airdrop campaign, meaning you could be winning tokens. We will be airdropping around 2 million tokens per verified ICO, specifically to our TIO holders and our loyal community.

So How Does It Work?

There are three simple ways to be in the mix:

1. Join Our Community

2. Contribute To The ICO

3. Or Simply Have TIOs

Which tokens will we be giving away?

The tokens we airdrop will only ever be from clients who have already passed our strict vetting processes, and who we believe to be high potential projects.

So far, these include: ICOwatchdog, Ingot, DarkMatter, ZeroEdge and TV-TWO.

How Does This Benefit Our TIO Holders?

The Company’s vision is to continually onboard quality ICOs, which will bring a stream of high potential Alt Coins to TIO holders on an ongoing basis. With this, any holdesr of the TIO token will automatically inherit high quality coins. This will help TIO holders to diversify - as well as to increase - the size of their portfolio.

A Quote From Our CEO

“We are constantly looking for ways to add value to the experience of our loyal community and TIO holders. We feel that an ongoing airdrop of this enormity is the perfect way to both thank our community for their loyalty plus to assist new high potential ICOs in accessing our informed and ambitious community.”
Jim Preissler
23 Mai 2011
Un nou airdrop ce ofera 250 ZEROCoins, urmati pasii de aici (join 2 grupuri de Telegram si introduceti adresa ETH compatibila ERC-20).
Doar pentru primii 10000.
23 Mai 2011
Pe 29 iunie vor anunta cand are loc lansarea platformei in cadrul evenimentului organizat in parteneriat cu Bloomberg:

We will be announcing the launch date of our exchange during our collaborative event with Bloomberg on

Friday, June 29th, 2018

Find out more about the event here and follow us on Facebook to watch the live announcement unfold.

Jim Preissler, CEO of on the launch announcement:

Im beyond pleased with the progress we have made over the past few months in finalizing the platform, and its a credit to our entire IT team and our amazing TIOnauts. Im confident the & crypto community as a whole will be impressed with our exchange, its unique industry-first features, and its scalability.

Preissler continued:

In just a few short weeks, the world will see what our community already knows, that is a major force, focused on producing world class technology and an unmatched trader experience. We truly feel our exchange combined with our liquidity pool, advisory service and continuous technological innovations, will make the leader in this space in a relatively short amount of time.
23 Mai 2011
Alt airdrop in parteneriat cu ce ofera 250 Watchdog (DOG) tokens, urmati pasii de aici (join 2 grupuri de Telegram si introduceti adresa ETH compatibila ERC-20).
Prioritate au detinatorii de TIO, restul va fi distribuit celor ce nu detin TIO, maxim 10000 participanti.

De asemenea, lansarea platformei de exchange va avea loc pe 23 iulie.
Ultima editare:
23 Mai 2011
Inregistrarile sunt deschise acum tuturor.
Taxele de tranzactionat si de retragere sunt 0 pana pe 1 octombrie.
Liquidity Pool va fi lansat pe 9 octombrie.

Alt airdrop: BitNautic - 10 BTNT (0.02 ETH) pentru primii 10000 chiar daca nu aveti TIO (join Telegram, follow Medium).
Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015
A fost lansat Liquidity Pool.
Momentan sunt 19 mil tio in LP iar formula de calcul e mai jos.

Parerea mea: momentan nu e rentabil, ptr 10-15 centi pe zi la 2500 tio ( 2500 *0.18 = 450$)
Am facut un calcul la 20k tio iti da 20-30 usd pe luna sau cca 100 tio pe 30 zile (deci cam3 tio /zi) .
Pai, 20000 * 0,18 =3600$
De 3600 $ ai lua 16 eth.
si cu 16 eth ai lua 17k qash.
Cu 17 k qash ai sansa sa faci cam 3-5 eth pe luna in Liquid. :) ( nu am pus si "castanele" care le poti pocni in Lqd )

Singura varianta mai acceptabila cu LP ar fi sa ai multi tio, sa iei procent maxim, sa dai sa genereze tio si sa ii bagi la loc ( un fel de compounding care momentan nu exista setat deci va trebui manual sa iei la pret de limit sau market tio) iar in LP sa fie multi tio adunati.

* uita-te in jurnalul meu. Eu cu 70$, din trade i-am facut 140$ intr-o luna. Sa blochezi 20k tio ptr 30$?
* tu ai tio in LP? Daca da, cati ai si cat iei pe zi?
Ultima editare:
Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015
Pentru cei ce au TIO in Liquiditypool, pentru a afla cum să vă calculați încasările folosind calculatorul, informațiile le găsiți pe prima pagină, înainte de login. Alegeți ziua din calendar și veți avea cât tio sunt în LP și cât e revenue pe ziua precedentă

The liquidity pool was launched successfully on Tuesday, October 9th, 2018. Any revenue that was earned prior to liquidity pool being
launched is being paid to liquidity pool participants pro-rata over a period of 30 days.
Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015
2.782 inside hack de vreo 51.3 mil tio.

Pregatesc rapid fork.

Momentan nu mai investiti in el. Au blocat depozitele si retragerile de pe Bancor si kucoin si sunt delistate de pe mai toate exchange-urile.

Si pe e inghetat LP. Nu se pot depune/retrage din LP momentan.
Dear TIOnauts,

Around 08:40 EST, our security team was alerted to a large transaction from one of our wallets held in cold storage. As they investigated, they started noticing some irregular trading activity in TIO pairs on Bancor & Kucoin. We alerted both Bancor & Kucoin accordingly to disable any deposits & withdrawals, and did the same on TIO Deposits & Withdrawals will be disabled on both Kucoin & until further notice, and TIO will no longer be listed on Bancor.

While the investigation is ongoing, based on Etherscan records, we can confirm that the 50M TIO allocated for the Liquidity Pool being held in cold storage has been withdrawn, and 1.3M of that had been transferred to both Bancor & Kucoin respectively. Both exchanges are assisting in our investigation.

Unfortunately, while this is an extremely strange situation, unfortunately breaches of cold storage is not unprecedented even when following security protocol to a “T”. We use industry recommended cold storage which are maintained in safety deposit boxes in banks, along with all corresponding materials. We have confirmed that the safety deposit boxes were not compromised.

To this end, we are currently considering various options with one being a fork, with the objective of making the 50M that were taken from us worthless, but protecting the value of TIO for everyone else, as the 50M are traceable. We will advise on our decision in the next 24 hours following a meeting by our board.

Lastly, please be assured, that those participating in the Liquidity Pool, distributions will be completely uninterrupted, and ability to enter and leave the Liquidity Pool will continue as normal.

It’s obvious that is now a major focal point of competitors and those attempting to destroy the movement that is on the ground floor, and we guarantee you we will not bow down to their actions. We have the strongest community in crypto and we assure you we will wind up stronger as a result of actions like these and any such attacks in the future.


Jim Preissler
Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015

Dear TIOnauts,

Around 08:40 EST October 21st, our security team was alerted to a large transaction from one of our wallets held in cold storage. As they investigated, they started noticing some irregular trading activity in TIO pairs on Bancor & Kucoin. We alerted both Bancor & Kucoin accordingly to disable any deposits & withdrawals, and did the same on TIO Deposits & Withdrawals will be disabled on both Kucoin & until further notice, and TIO will no longer be listed on Bancor.

While the investigation is ongoing, based on Etherscan records, we can confirm that the 50M TIO allocated for the Liquidity Pool being held in cold storage has been withdrawn, and 1.3M of that had been transferred to both Bancor & Kucoin respectively. Both exchanges are assisting in our investigation.

Unfortunately, while this is an extremely strange situation, unfortunately breaches of cold storage is not unprecedented even when following security protocol to a “T”. We use industry recommended cold storage which are maintained in safety deposit boxes in banks, along with all corresponding materials. We have confirmed that the safety deposit boxes were not compromised.

To this end, we are currently considering various options with one being a fork, with the objective of making the 50M that were taken from us worthless, but protecting the value of TIO for everyone else, as the 50M are traceable. We will advise on our decision in the next 24 hours following a meeting by our board.

Lastly, please be assured, that those participating in the Liquidity Pool, distributions will be completely uninterrupted, and ability to enter and leave the Liquidity Pool will continue as normal.

It’s obvious that is now a major focal point of competitors and those attempting to destroy the movement that is on the ground floor, and we guarantee you we will not bow down to their actions. We have the strongest community in crypto and we assure you we will wind up stronger as a result of actions like these and any such attacks in the future.


Jim Preissler


Due to the cold wallet breach, Jim outlined earlier we are turning off all institutional liquidity to the exchange for TIO pairs. Please cease trading TIO on exchange and other exchanges offering TIO and notify others to do the same. We are starting preparation on a fork immediately.

All legitimate TIO holders will receive a new airdrop, and the existing holders will be unaffected.


Please be advised that any TIO’s being bought on HitBTC or since 08:40 EST this morning will not receive the Fork once issued. So don’t waste your money.


A fork is planned but the details are not available yet. Please be patient until management releases the information.
23 Mai 2011
HitBTC si nici acum nu au oprit trading-ul pentru TIO.

Inca o informatie despre fork:
All TIO holders that held TIO on the block prior to the breach (i.e. a minute before the breach), will receive the equivalent in TIO2, i.e. 1 TIO for 1 TIO2. If you held your TIO in an exchange, you will be required to withdraw your TIO to an ERC-20 friendly wallet like MEW.

Dear TIOnauts,

We wanted to advise you of the latest in terms of the investigation and future plans with regards to the previously mentioned fork.

Investigation Update:

Our security team has performed various checks and have found absolutely nothing amiss so far. They are liasing with the cold storage hardware provider along with a few other providers and are enlisting the assistance of some 3rd party solutions as well. As more is uncovered we will of course advise.

Fork Update:

While no plan is 100% set in stone, as we’re still ensuring all the pieces fit, the plan for now is to fork TIO with a replacement ERC-20 token, TIO2 (estimated name). All TIO holders that held TIO on the block prior to the breach (i.e. a minute before the breach), will receive the equivalent in TIO2, i.e. 1 TIO for 1 TIO2. If you held your TIO in an exchange, you will be required to withdraw your TIO to an ERC-20 friendly wallet like MEW. You will then submit proof of your TIO holdings via your wallet URL. Once provided, the equivalent of that amount in TIO2 will be credited into your account at If you don’t already have an account with you will be required to create one prior to the TIO2 being credited.

To those that can’t open an account with due to country restrictions and have TIO at an exchange, we will assist you on a case by case basis.

If your TIO are already held at exchange and the liquidity pool, you don’t need to do anything. You will receive the TIO2 automatically.

Management is confident the above plan allows to have control over issuing TIO2 to those holding TIO at Kucoin, HitBTC and thus allowing us an extra layer of safety in filtering out those responsible for the breach. Additionally this will allow to be the ONLY exchange that allows trading of TIO2. This allows us tremendous options including implementing our own blockchain in the future.

Once again, this is a preliminary plan, but wanted to keep everyone updated. The fork could very well happen in the next 24-48 hours. As always we will keep everyone informed as we proceed.

Thank you, Management
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Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015
Eu zic ca e riscant trade-ul in acest moment. Daca fac burn la monede si trec total pe cea din fork?
23 Mai 2011
Fork-ul are loc maine, numele token-ului va fi TIOx:
Dear TIOnauts,

As you may have heard, suffered, then effectively contained, a security breach over the weekend. Details of the breach are outlined here:

In order to protect all TIO holders, management has decided to fork TIO. The name of the forked token will be Trade Token X with the ticker TIOx. The fork will occur on 24 October 2018 by end of day New York time. TIOx will begin trading on 31 October 2018 exclusively on exchange, with the exact time to be announced.

Given the fact that TIO was traded on multiple exchanges outside of, and some have been helpful in assisting, while unfortunately others have not with respect to containing the breach, we had to devise a customized approach to reduce the impact as much as possible on TIO holders and make sure everyone is treated fairly.

As a result TIO holders are being broken down into 4 categories:

Category 1: Clients currently holding TIO on the Exchange and/or Liquidity Pool:

In preparation of the fork, all TIO deposits/withdrawals have been disabled along with ability to enter/exit the liquidity pool. Following the fork, all TIO holders will receive 1 TIOx for each TIO they hold. Once all TIOx have been distributed (within 24 hours following the fork), deposits/withdrawals will be enabled again for both the exchange and the liquidity pool. Clients will no longer have access to their TIO at that point, as it will be worthless.

Category 2: Clients holding TIO in external ERC-20 compatible wallets outside of an exchange:

As mentioned in order to balance treating clients fairly and keep TIO holders interest protected, we needed to establish a “snapshot” time following the hack.

To coincide with the closure of Kucoin closing deposits/withdrawals, which was roughly 15:00 EST, 21 October 2018, that is when the snapshot will be established.

What this means is that at the time of the snapshot, all TIO holding regardless if they are in an exchange (apart from HitBTC & or in an external wallet will receive the TIOx, except transfer from the wallets that we are monitoring that we believe are affiliated with the party(s) responsible for the breach.

What this means, is that any transaction (i.e. trade, transfer, etc.) that took place prior to the snapshot will remain. However, any transaction or transfer that occurred after the snapshot will not reflect on the airdrop, meaning if you did a TIO transfer from one wallet to another after the snapshot, you will only receive the airdrop in the original wallet before the snapshot occurred. The net effect is the same, obviously, so you would simply need to do the transfer again once you receive the TIOx. In other words if you had 100 TIO in Wallet A, and you transferred 50 TIO to Wallet B after the snapshot, then you will receive 100 TIOx in Wallet A, and nothing in Wallet B.

Category 3: Clients holding TIO on Kucoin:

Kucoin has been extremely helpful in assisting us during the last 48 hours. They have agreed to airdrop TIOx to all clients holding TIO in their exchange, and then allowing clients to withdrawal their TIOx so it can be deposited/traded on the exchange.

Category 4: Clients holding TIO on HitBTC or

Unfortunately neither HitBTC nor was helpful in assisting us, and due to this the process to receive TIOx will not be as straight forward. To that end, if you currently have TIO at either of these exchanges, please contact

In terms of numbers, there are roughly 223M TIO, so as a result 223M TIOx will be issued. It appears approximately 1M breached TIO were traded, and management has decided to take that 1M TIO from their tokens to make up for the deficit.

Lastly, while we’ve worked around the clock to ensure the fork goes smoothly, given the massive amount of TIO holders, there may be a couple of issues. Our support team and management is fully devoted to ensure that everyone receives their TIOx and that everyone is prepared to trade once TIOx is available for trading on 31 October 2018.

Thank you all very much for your continued support.
23 Mai 2011
Fork-ul din TIO in TIOx a fost finalizat.
In MEW a intrat acum vreo 4 ore.
Dear TIOnauts,

We’re pleased to announce that we have successfully completed the fork of TIO.

Our new token is called Trade Token X with the ticker TIOx. As a reminder trading on TIOx will commence on 31 October 2018 EXCLUSIVELY on Exchange, with time to be determined. Fun fact, this also coincides with Bitcoin’s 10th Anniversary!

Following up on our previous announcements, here are some key points to take note of to ensure your TIOx is received safe and sound.

TIO held on Exchange:

If you hold TIO on the exchange and/or Liquidity Pool, your TIO will be swapped out with TIOx, along with enabling of deposits/ withdrawals and Liquidity Pool allocations/removals no later than 17:00 EST, 25 October 2018. This means you will no longer see TIO, but rather TIOx, and deposits/withdrawals will be only TIOx. Due to a technical limitation, all trading history will show TIOx where TIO was originally traded, but all amounts, trade type, etc will remain the same.

Please note, that all open orders will be cancelled prior to the start of TIOx trading on 31 October, 2018.

TIO Held on MEW or ERC-20 Compatible Wallet:

Provided you had TIO in your wallet prior to the snapshot which was 21 October @ 15:00 EST, you will receive TIOx. If you are not seeing TIOx in your wallet, you need to do the following:

A) Add custom token
B) Add TIOx contract address which is: 0xd947b0ceab2a8885866b9a04a06ae99de852a3d4
C) Add symbol: TIOx and/or name which is Trade Token X

TIO Held On KuCoin:

KuCoin has been extremely helpful and has assisted us in airdropping TIOx to your wallet within KuCoin. Obviously, we are not familiar with KuCoin’s process with respect to airdrops, so we are somewhat dependent on their processes. We would imagine however, they will be prompt in allocation and enabling you to withdrawal your TIOx. You will only be able to trade TIOx at so please act accordingly.

If you have any issues in receiving your TIOx, please contact KuCoin prior to contacting

TIO Held on OKEX, HitBTC, IDEX or

Please contact for further instructions.

As usual please contact us on Telegram, Live Chat or email for assistance.

With thanks,
23 Mai 2011
1.375 a cumparat un broker forex reglementat in UK de FCA ce va fi rebranduit in TIO Markets:
Dear TIOnauts,

In a strategic move to bolster our regulatory position and presence in Europe, we have entered into an agreement to acquire FCA-regulated Primus Capital Markets UK Ltd, which currently holds an IFPRU 125K Matched Principal License.

Primus Capital Markets will be rebranded TIO Markets and will become the first company to offer FX trading using crypto assets as base currency for deposits and withdrawals.

TIOx holders will be offered substantial commission discounts, tighter spreads and other incentives.
Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015
Pfff, La 25k tio in pool câștig de 70 usd într-o lună :)).
Plus că listarea doar pe un exchange, doar a lor, e cu cântec. În câteva zile a scăzut de la 34 la 22.

Ce e doar pe un exchange e ca la bitconnect.